Make basil mayo sauce: In a small mixing bowl, combine mayo, pesto, lemon juice, salt. Cover and keep in fridge until serving time.
Prepare chicken for sautéing: Pat chicken thighs with paper towels so that they are dry and arrange them on a baking sheet or large plate. Combine 1 teaspoon Diamond Crystal Kosher salt, smoked paprika and Aleppo pepper and sprinkle on both sides of chicken thighs.
Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in 12 inch non-stick skillet over medium heat and cook thighs for 3 minutes. Flip thighs and cook on second side for another 3 minutes. Remove thighs to a clean plate and set aside.
Without cleaning the skillet, add anchovies, garlic, shallots and capers. Saute on medium-low heat until shallots soften and anchovies completely breakdown and melt into other ingredients. If mixture begins to burn, add a few tablespoons of water.
Add Israeli couscous and stir until all the grains are coated. Mix in olives and lemon zest. Add 1 3/4 cups of chicken or vegetable stock and 2 tablespoons pesto. Stir well. Nestle chicken thighs onto bed of couscous. Cover with lid, turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, check to see doneness of couscous. If still firm after 12 minutes, and all the liquid has evaporated, add additional 1/4 cup of stock, cover and cook for a few more minutes, until couscous is al dente.
Sprinkle with toasted pine nuts, fresh basil leaves and drizzle with reserved lemon basil mayo.