I have some very strong opinions when it comes to asparagus. I never rush to buy the early skinny asparagus. It is very weak in flavour. I’m patient and wait until the thicker stalks start appearing at the stores. These spears are sweeter and I find that the flesh is more tender.

If I’m not using the asparagus on the day I buy it, I place the bunch in a jar filled with about an inch or two of cold water, so that the ends do not dry out in the fridge. I cover the bunch loosely with a plastic bag.
There are some sources out there that will tell you that the best way to trim asparagus is the “bend and snap” technique, where you hold a piece horizontally and bend it, and it will just break off where it needs to. The problem with this method is that it depends on where and how much force you put into the bending. The results are wildly inconsistent and you end up wasting a lot of good asparagus.
I like to line up the asparagus on a cutting board and just cut off the bottom inch or so, where the green colour begins to fade to white, and the texture is a bit tougher. Then, I like to take my favourite vegetable peeler and gently peel the skin from the bottom half of each spear, to expose the lighter green and white flesh under the peel. It makes for a more aesthetically pleasing presentation (all about pretty food here) and, it is more tender to eat.
For an asparagus salad, I like to simply boil or steam the asparagus for about 2-3 minutes. Then I plunge them into ice water to set the green colour and stop the cooking.
Eggs and asparagus are a beautiful flavour pairing. Watch as the salad comes together. in this video.
This dressing would also be very delicious on broccoli, green beans or on my newest obsession, little gem lettuce. I love the texture of the grated hard boiled eggs, mixed right into the dressing. Cornichon pickles and capers really punch up the flavour and chopped pistachios add salt and crunch. It’s a perfect lunch salad.
Click here to print recipe for Asparagus with Pistachio and Egg Vinaigrette.