Zucchini Halloumi Skewers with Lemon Parsley Dressing

I have never understood the appeal of raw zucchini. Watery and flavourless are not attributes I look for in my food. But, put zucchini on the grill, and it transforms into something very special. The heat of the BBQ evaporates the moisture, and, as the zucchini becomes charred, the natural sugar in the zucchini caramelizes and becomes intensely flavourful. Bland becomes bright.

You’ll need to slice the zucchini very thin for these skewers, about 1/8 of an inch thick. If you have stellar knife skills, go ahead and do it by hand, but if you have a mandoline, now is the time to bust it out. It slices the zucchini quickly and very evenly.

Now, for the star of these skewers, halloumi cheese. It’s a semi-firm brined cheese, traditionally made from sheep’s and goat’s milk. Originally made in Greece, Turkey and Cypress, it’s now also made in North America, often from cow’s milk. What makes halloumi unique is the way it’s made. The curds are cooked at a very high temperature for at least an hour. This creates a cheese with a rubbery, semi-firm texture. When you bite into halloumi, it “squeaks” between your teeth. So much fun to eat!

Halloumi has a high melting point, making it ideal for frying or grilling. The exterior develops a golden crust, and the inside becomes soft, but never melts completely.

Before they hit the grill, give them a light brushing with some good olive oil, and a light sprinkle of salt and pepper. I served them with a parsley-lemon dressing which adds a welcome hit of bright freshness and mild jolt of acid.

I’m excited for you to try making these. They’re bound to become a summer favourite.

6 thoughts on “Zucchini Halloumi Skewers with Lemon Parsley Dressing

  1. Linda M.

    I love so many elements of this recipe – presenting the zucchini on the skewer this way, halloumi (completely forgot about this cheese) and the smoked paprika in the dressing. Photos are eye catching! Thanks Cindy.

  2. Kiki

    Love halloumi, and I always have zucchini at home, no matter the season. I don’t have a BBQ, just an oven grill, but I will definitely try this – it looks sounds and looks very delicious. Love the pics, too!

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